All of these pets in the picture above are the last pets to get adopted. I know that I wouldn't adopt a pet with medical needs because I can't afford to. As it is with my two cats it's hard to keep up with their needs. I wish I had the money to take all the pets that are healthy and un-healthy but I'd have to have a farm to house all of them. I'm in the city and my two cats are enough.

Anyways, read this post, from Caster, to learn more about less-adoptable pets and maybe you will see these animals with a different view point.
All the pets, that I have had in the past 20 years were either abandoned or I got them at a shelter. I won't buy a pure bred animal because I know there are tons of homes for them. To me an animal isn't a status symbol, it's a family member. I got very lucky with my cats. I found them on Petfinders.
I wanted a tortoise hair kitten, so I typed in that information with my zip code. I found a non-kill shelter that had two kittens. My daughter wanted her own cat, so we got the sister too. It's funny cause everyone, who came to the shelter, wanted the calico and I was looking for a tortie. Well I have had the two of them for 7 years now and they are always there when I feel sad or lonely. They are there when I go to sleep and when I wake up. All of this is important to anyone, but especially to someone with a chronic illness, like myself. Since they have long hair their dander doesn't cause me problems. Keeping up with hair caused another problem.
We recently got the Furminator and don't have as many fur balls as they used to. Shasta, who is one big full ball, really loved the Furminator and has made her life much better.
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