Saturday, May 29, 2010

I'm confused

I hate feeling stupid but I'm really having a hard time figuring out this blog business. I can't get things to work right. I thought I had to create a whole new blog but then found out that I can just link this to my new site. Ugh! Right now I'm experimenting. On top of all of this I've had another sinus infection and I'm just starting to feel better.

We're trying to finish projects and clean up the rest to get ready for my mom's 80th birthday party. We have put in new floors and new paint in almost every room. Now all the stuff has to be put back. I did get some organizing done. yeah me! So I feel a bit accomplished. I want to get as much done as possible this weekend so when my family comes to help me next week it will go smoothly.

Wish me luck on my blogging and creating my website. :)

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