The jokes are funny but having fibrofog makes you feel stupid when you aren't. There are days I can't remember simple words like the color blue and have to talk about something in a round about way to get my point. My daughter and husband are used to this but I'm sure it's frustrating to them too.
"Fibromyalgia patients often experience a loss of mental clarity and problems with memory. Dubbed "fibro fog," this side effect of the syndrome can have a significant impact on patients' lives." source
Go to this link to read about the Spoon Theory. The spoon theory explains what it is like to live with a chronic illness like fibromyalgia, lupus, and other autoimmune diseases.
Sources Just in case the link doesn't work, click below: |
To find out what fibromyalgia is: More about fibrofog:,,20326433,00.html |
It is extremely difficult to live with constant chronic pain. I feel for you. My aunt does not have fibromyalgia, but was in an accident over 7 years ago and is still in horrible pain in her jaw, neck, back, etc.
I will pray for an easement of your pain, because miracles can happen.
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