Friday, July 8, 2011

Favorite Things #4 Swimming

Now that we've been to our family reunion and my daughter has been to camp for 2 weeks we can settle in for a relaxing Summer.  Today I want to talk one of my favorite things to do, in the Summer.

Swimming in a pool.  I've had many years of swimming in rivers, lakes, ponds and the Pacific Ocean but I'll admit that I love swimming pools the best.  I used to love swimming in the ocean but over 25 years ago I almost drowned in Malibu.  It was a private beach and there was no life guard.  My brother was there too but he had his back to the ocean.  I got pulled out by a strong riptide and couldn't get back in to shore.  I knew to swim sideways and kept on doing that but I couldn't get past the riptide.  Luckily I had over 20 years of swimming experience (I may as well have been born in it) and was a strong swimmer.  I used to body surf and I was able to ride a wave 30-40 feet.  It was always exciting and I always bounced up and went out for more.  There were many times that I wiped out and was tumbled under water.  I never panicked I just let myself get tumbled till I could pull myself out.  After the time in Malibu I didn't go in the ocean for over 20 years.  About 4 years ago I went in the ocean on my dad's birthday.  Tomorrow is his 83rd birthday.  Four years ago he was at the beach with his boogie board and ready to have a great time.

It was 20 years before I could go in the ocean again.  About 4 years ago I went in the ocean on my dad's birthday.  Tomorrow is his 83rd birthday.  Four years ago he was at the beach with his boogie board and ready to have a great time.  I joined in and had a blast!  I'll admit I was nervous, at first, but I knew there was a life guard or a family member that would save me.

Now I just like to get my feet wet, at the ocean, and go swimming in pools.  It's especially great at night after a long hot day.  I don't own a pool but for a few years I had a 12 foot and 16 foot round above the ground pool.  I loved it to cool off.  Now I have to go to a friend's house to go swimming.  What's a huge shame is that all my friends, who have pools, don't like to go in them.  I end up swimming with all the kids.  I don't care, I just like the water.

 What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?  Please join me at my Favorite Thing Friday (sorry the post was late).  You can post anything you want, as long as it's not Bamboopink.

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