Welcome to "Tell The Truth Thursday" where the question that has been posted in my right side bar gets answered by me and you! Did you prepare your post and are you ready to drop your URL into the Linky so that we all can follow? Grab the thumb above linking it back to this blog posting and let's get started...
The question this week is :
What type of flooring does your personality most resemble? Which flooring would you prefer to resemble??
Like Red (as in Redheadriter) says, this is a wierd question. It's also an appropriate question considering my decisions this past year. We have just put in all new floors (except the bathroms). I never thought I'd want all hard floors. Who wants to do that much sweeping and swiffering, never mind mopping. Then I dealt with owning carpets, having long haired cats plus surving the first 12 years of my daughter's life. I remember when we bought the house in 1997 and my husband found a spot on the floor. I said to him.. don't worry we'll have plenty more once the baby is born. Natalie was born 5 months later in November. Little did I know how messy kids can be.
I've never been the best house keeper but keeping things clean with a toddler (and on and on) is a huge feat. Before I knew I had fibromyalgia I was able to keep things up. I would always clean when we had company and I had a good routine. I even told myself to take Monday's off. I would usually get this huge caffene induced spurt of energy after Tuesday's Mommy and Me. Nothing like sitting with your friends, while your babies are playing, and drinking tons of coffee.
I was proud of myself and my home. I would cook great meals from the magazine Quick Cooking and had company often. I would even have amazing birthday parties. I especially liked Natalie's 5th Luau party. This was great till I started to get weaker and weaker and then was barely able to walk. Then I had pnuemonia for a few months. Shortly after that I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. This was Fall of 2005.
At this point in my life my husband and my marriage had fallen apart and I was afraid of what would happen to me. I still haven't figured that all out. He and I chose to live in the same house till my daughter graduated from High School. She just started 7th grade. To say this hasn't been easy is putting it mildly.
With my life falling apart my carpet and house got worse and worse. My house was a reflection of what was happening to us. My house was a mess and my carpets were gross. Thank God we got a home equity loan and paid my sister to paint and her boyfriend to put in floors. Now we have laminate wood floors that we got, from Home Depot, for 97 cents a square foot. We had to buy about $1000 worth.
My house is only 1160 square feet. My sister, Anne-Marie, helped paint, helped me get rid of stuff, did an amazing job on Natalie's room (I'll post pictures later) and she even helped clean up the jungle (the back yard). We celebrated all of this, with my Mom's 80th Birthday this past June.
You can't imagine the joy I felt when our house was done. We had gotten new floors that made our house look larger and gotten new paint in the kitchen, hallway, and all 3 bedrooms. We painted the back bathroom, living room and entry/dining area 2 years ago. Now we take turns sweeping and I started to wash the floors with Murphy's Oil.
Now I want a beautiful rug next to my bed.
Whew!! Why wonder it took me till Thursday AM to write this. All the emotions and thoughts that flooring brought me. Read what Red wrote. She is an amazing writer and had me lulled into a great story. She always makes me wish I was her next door neighbor.
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