Monday, February 15, 2010

What is Valentines to You?

I can't believe that Valentines came and went before a blink of the eye.  I think there is too much presure put upon people on Valentines Day.  We see movies and commercials and think...that day everything has to be perfect.  Well nothing is perfect in out world and sometimes real life gets in the way.  When I was younger it was all very important to me, now I'm happy if I'm feeling good that day.  I'm not saying I don't want chocolates, flowers and cards because I do.  I also understand that maybe my significant other has too much other stuff going to make that a reality.  I like to decorate for Valentines cause the stuff is cute and I enjoy looking at the hearts and cupids.  This year I felt like I was my own valentine.  The reality is that we have to be good to ourselves before we can be good to others.  I'd love to hear comments on this.  I'm not humbug about this cute holiday I'm just trying to's ok if the day wasn't perfect.  I guess you guessed mine wasn't perfect.  I don't want to get into it, but it didn't turn out the way I envisioned it to be.  Maybe next year ..or maybe some odd no name day will be that one special day.

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